Результаты поиска по запросу: A History of Magic, Witchcraft, and the Occult (Suzannah Lipscomb)

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  1. Mergin

    Доступно A History of Magic, Witchcraft, and the Occult (Suzannah Lipscomb)

    Discover the beguiling history of witchcraft, magic, and superstition through the centuries in this stunningly illustrated title. A History of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult charts the extraordinary narrative of one of the most interesting and often controversial subjects in the world...
  2. Гусяка

    Доступно A Pictorial History of Magic and the Supernatural (Maurice Bessy)

    Rituals of druids, mayas, ancients, Brazilian Indians, headhunters, sorcerers, medicine men, witches, werewolves, freemasonry, Ku Klux Klan, vampires, voodoo and other occult are traces in this book. ====== Ритуалы друидов, майя, древних, бразильских индейцев, охотников за головами, колдунов...
  3. Ананасина

    Доступно The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy (Francis Barrett)

    The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer; being a Complete System of Occult Philosophy is a handbook of the occult and ceremonial magic compiled by Francis Barrett and published in 1801. This book facilitated the modern revival of magic by making information from otherwise rare books readily...

    Доступно The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Complete A-Z for the Entire Magical World (Judika Illes)

    This is the definitive celebration and exploration of all facets of witchcraft, serving as a complete reference book but also as a source of entertainment and general interest. Contents: * Judika Illes explores the history, folklore, spirituality, and mythology of witchcraft. Wicca will be...
  5. Свинтанцы

    Доступно Occult Experiments in the Home: Personal Explorations of Magick and the Paranormal (Duncan Barford)

    Using occultism to understand the paranormal sounds like diluting water or burying earth, but in this thoughtful and unusual book Duncan Barford draws on a deep familiarity with modern magick to provide a valuable toolbox of concepts for exploring the relationship between consciousness and the...
  6. Балеринка

    Доступно Magic Without Mirrors: The Making of a Magician (David Conway)

    There is nothing of the phoney or the exhibitionist about David Conway. He is not merely a magician, but a genuine mystic, an intensely private person who is absorbed in what Blake called “the inner worlds” and their mystery....David Conway was brought up in a remote country district of...
  7. Тьма

    Доступно Witchcraft and Black Magic (Peter Haining, Jan Parker)

    Bantam Books [Published date: 1973]. Mass market paperback, 159 pp. Bantam edition published April, 1973, with no later printings listed. [from Foreword] Much of witchcraft's fascination lies in its sinister association with the death-dealing rites and sexual excesses practiced in the name of...
  8. Karnaval

    Доступно The New Encyclopedia of the Occult (by John Michael Greer)

    In his introduction, Greer states that his book is the first written by an "occult practitioner" who has consulted the scholarly texts that have recently been written about the history of occult traditions. This combination has produced a reference work that is sympathetic to the arcane lore but...
  9. Мiкки

    Запись The History of Tarot Art (Esther Joy Archer, Holly Adams Easley)

    Авторы Холли Адамс Исли и Эстер Джой Арчер погружаются в увлекательные истории, стоящие за столетиями искусства Таро. «The History of Tarot Art: Demystifying the Art and Arcana, Deck by Deck» показывает, как Таро превратилось из карточной игры пятнадцатого века в сверх популярную современному...
  10. ЧЁ ТАМ

    Доступно The Encyclopedia of Magic and Alchemy (Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Donald Michael Kraig)

    Magic and the dream of turning base metals into gold have always fascinated people, and this work provides a wide spectrum of information for the curious reader. To appreciate the book, it is best to start with the introduction, which states that "magic is a real and powerful resource." Once one...
  11. Hi-hi

    Доступно Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi (Stephen E. Flowers Ph.D.)

    A complete guide to the theory, practice, and history of Mazdan magic, the first organized system of magic. Provides a complete curriculum of magical study and initiation centered on exercises keyed to the sacred Zoroastrian calendar. Details advanced magical rituals and practices based on...
  12. Аноним

    Запись The Art of ChatGPT Prompting: A Guide to Crafting Clear and Effective Prompts (Fatih Kadir Akın)

    Hi I am Fatih Kadir Akın, The curator of the popular "Awesome ChatGPT Prompts" repository on GitHub, and prompts.chat. In this comprehensive guide, you'll discover expert strategies for crafting compelling ChatGPT prompts that drive engaging and informative conversations. From understanding the...
  13. Кот феликс

    Доступно Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants (Juliet Diaz)

    Indigenous seer, gifted plant whisperer, and Witchery author Juliet Diaz invites you to walk the path of the Plant Witch. Journey far beyond the basic medicinal and magical properties of plants, deep into Mother Earth's drumming heart. Drawn from ancestral practices passed down by generations of...
  14. Большая Стирка

    Требуется организатор [Sapiencia] The story of women

    The story of women «Ты как будто приоткрываешь занавес, становишься податливой в одном из мест, ты поддаешься, — а там... темнота и невесомость». Главы: 1. Я проведу вас по аллеям древних сказаний, покажу эротические фрески и самые первые изображения женщин на планете. 2 .Какой была первая...
  15. Обезъяна

    Доступно Magical Symbols and Alphabets: A Practitioner's Guide to Spells, Rites, and History (Sandra Kynes)

    Symbols and Alphabets for Dynamic Magic Witchcraft Energize your Wiccan or Pagan practice with rich symbol systems and magical alphabets. Discover how astrological symbols, zodiac signs, and the fixed stars can be used to invigorate spells and rituals. Connect with the power of the elements and...
  16. Тьма

    Доступно Палантин A Song of Ice and Fire (Светлана Гордон)

    Вязаный спицами палантин A Song of Ice and Fire (Песнь Льда и Огня) от Tashashu Gordon Перевод с английского 150 руб Пряжа: A (цвет огня) – Lang Yarns Mille Colori Baby (цвет 0024) - 185 г B ( цвет льда) – Lang Yarns Mille Colori Socks & Lace Luxe ( цвет 78) - 175 г С (чёрная нить для соединения...
  17. Балеринка

    Доступно Magic for the resistance: rituals and spells for change (Michael M. Hughes)

    The resistance is growing, and it needs your help. This book provides spells and rituals designed to help you put your magical will to work to create a more just and equitable world. These magical workings can be used by activists of any spiritual or religious background. With ideas for altars...
  18. Аноним

    Требуется организатор Творческий осенний марафон. The Magic of Autumn Season (Андрей Тульский)

    Проект для всех, кто хочет учиться видеть, создавать и преумножать Настоящий марафон творческих идей, талантливых участников, и визуальных удовольствий В гид подготовки входит мой базовый и самый важный урок о правилах мобильной съемки Вы сможете уже изучить все нюансы до старта марафона, чтобы...
  19. Певец

    Доступно [my.incredible.english] Workbook к фильму Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    Workbook включает в себя: 25 страниц. 19 заданий. задания для развития таких навыков: Speaking, Listening, Writing. упражнения для запоминания новых слов вопросы по фильму, заставляющие задуматься словарь и фразы и по фильму. вордсечинг, анаграмма и многое другое. ключи для самопроверки. фильм...
  20. Аноним

    Запись [DaShool] Квесты на английском для детей. The art of being a sloth

    Отличный способ занять детей с пользой Больше эмоций и никакой зубрежки Ребенок легко запоминает новые слова и языковые конструкции Прекрасное дополнение к школьной программе изучения язык' Яркие, красивые рисунки Дети будут в восторге от квестов Крутые приключения, не выходя из дома...